Lubbock Landscaping, Design, & Irrigation

We begin by offering a free consultation to get started. Our Landscape Designer will meet you at the potential worksite to discuss with you what you want from your landscape. Your interests and needs are extremely important for the design process, and to the future maintenance of your landscape. We will then put the thoughts to paper, and present you with a landscape design that fits your vision along with our recommendations.


Once the design is approved, the installation process begins. We highly recommend to our customers that they allow us to amend the soil before planting anything. Here in Lubbock, we have extremely alkaline soil that is very heavy in clay and caliche.  This poses several problems as it does not drain adequately, and also cannot support your plants with the nutrients and minerals they need to flourish.  By using the proper amendments, we can transform your soil into a porous, nutrient rich habitat for your landscape.  After this step, we can now begin installing plant material.  We stress the importance of using the proper procedures in every step of this process to all of our employees so that we can provide you with the best service possible along with a beautiful landscape.  We see landscaping as an investment to our customers that will add value to your home, and also to your life. We strive to be Lubbock’s premier landscape company.



